Lider Çizgilerle Pasta Grafiği Oluşturma
Aspose.Cells for .NET API’nın lider çizgilerle bir pasta grafiği oluşturmak için kullanımını göstermek için önce yeni bir Workbook oluşturacağız ve seri veri kaynağı olarak hizmet edecek bazı verileri gireceğiz. Veri yerine geldiğinde, ChartType.Pie türünden bir Chart koleksiyonuna ekleyeceğiz ve istenen grafik görünümünü elde etmek için farklı yönlerini ayarlayacağız.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); | |
// Create an instance of Workbook in XLSX format | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(FileFormatType.Xlsx); | |
// Access the first worksheet | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; | |
// Add two columns of data | |
worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("Retail"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue("Services"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue("Info & Communication"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue("Transport Equip"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A5"].PutValue("Construction"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A6"].PutValue("Other Products"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A7"].PutValue("Wholesale"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A8"].PutValue("Land Transport"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A9"].PutValue("Air Transport"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A10"].PutValue("Electric Appliances"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A11"].PutValue("Securities"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A12"].PutValue("Textiles & Apparel"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A13"].PutValue("Machinery"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A14"].PutValue("Metal Products"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A15"].PutValue("Cash"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A16"].PutValue("Banks"); | |
worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(10.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(5.2); | |
worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(6.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(10.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B5"].PutValue(7.9); | |
worksheet.Cells["B6"].PutValue(4.1); | |
worksheet.Cells["B7"].PutValue(3.5); | |
worksheet.Cells["B8"].PutValue(5.7); | |
worksheet.Cells["B9"].PutValue(3); | |
worksheet.Cells["B10"].PutValue(14.7); | |
worksheet.Cells["B11"].PutValue(3.6); | |
worksheet.Cells["B12"].PutValue(2.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B13"].PutValue(7.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B14"].PutValue(2.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B15"].PutValue(1.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B16"].PutValue(10.1); | |
// Create a pie chart and add it to the collection of charts | |
int id = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Pie, 3, 3, 23, 13); | |
// Access newly created Chart instance | |
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[id]; | |
// Set series data range | |
chart.NSeries.Add("B1:B16", true); | |
// Set category data range | |
chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A1:A16"; | |
// Turn off legend | |
chart.ShowLegend = false; | |
// Access data labels | |
DataLabels dataLabels = chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels; | |
// Turn on category names | |
dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true; | |
// Turn on percentage format | |
dataLabels.ShowPercentage = true; | |
// Set position | |
dataLabels.Position = LabelPositionType.OutsideEnd; | |
// Set separator | |
dataLabels.SeparatorType = DataLabelsSeparatorType.Comma; |
Şimdiye kadar bir pasta grafiği oluşturduk ve farklı yönlerini ayarladık. Şimdi grafiğin lider çizgilerini açmaya hazırlanıyoruz. Lütfen unutmayın, lider çizgileri göstermek için veri etiketlerini biraz hareket ettirmemiz gerekiyor.
Aşağıdaki kod parçası lider çizgileri açar, grafiği yeniler ve ardından veri etiketlerinin konumlarını uygun şekilde hareket ettirir.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// Create an instance of Workbook in XLSX format | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(FileFormatType.Xlsx); | |
// Access the first worksheet | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; | |
// Add two columns of data | |
worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("Retail"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue("Services"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue("Info & Communication"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue("Transport Equip"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A5"].PutValue("Construction"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A6"].PutValue("Other Products"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A7"].PutValue("Wholesale"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A8"].PutValue("Land Transport"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A9"].PutValue("Air Transport"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A10"].PutValue("Electric Appliances"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A11"].PutValue("Securities"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A12"].PutValue("Textiles & Apparel"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A13"].PutValue("Machinery"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A14"].PutValue("Metal Products"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A15"].PutValue("Cash"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A16"].PutValue("Banks"); | |
worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(10.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(5.2); | |
worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(6.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(10.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B5"].PutValue(7.9); | |
worksheet.Cells["B6"].PutValue(4.1); | |
worksheet.Cells["B7"].PutValue(3.5); | |
worksheet.Cells["B8"].PutValue(5.7); | |
worksheet.Cells["B9"].PutValue(3); | |
worksheet.Cells["B10"].PutValue(14.7); | |
worksheet.Cells["B11"].PutValue(3.6); | |
worksheet.Cells["B12"].PutValue(2.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B13"].PutValue(7.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B14"].PutValue(2.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B15"].PutValue(1.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B16"].PutValue(10.1); | |
// Create a pie chart and add it to the collection of charts | |
int id = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Pie, 3, 3, 23, 13); | |
// Access newly created Chart instance | |
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[id]; | |
// Set series data range | |
chart.NSeries.Add("B1:B16", true); | |
// Set category data range | |
chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A1:A16"; | |
// Turn off legend | |
chart.ShowLegend = false; | |
// Access data labels | |
DataLabels dataLabels = chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels; | |
// Turn on category names | |
dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true; | |
// Turn on percentage format | |
dataLabels.ShowPercentage = true; | |
// Set position | |
dataLabels.Position = LabelPositionType.OutsideEnd; | |
// Set separator | |
dataLabels.SeparatorType = DataLabelsSeparatorType.Comma; | |
// Turn on leader lines | |
chart.NSeries[0].HasLeaderLines = true; | |
// Calculete chart | |
chart.Calculate(); | |
// You need to move DataLabels a little leftward or rightward depending on their position to show leader lines | |
int DELTA = 100; | |
for (int i = 0; i < chart.NSeries[0].Points.Count; i++) | |
{ | |
int X = chart.NSeries[0].Points[i].DataLabels.X; | |
// If it is greater than 2000, then move the X position a little right otherwise move the X position a little left | |
if (X > 2000) | |
chart.NSeries[0].Points[i].DataLabels.X = X + DELTA; | |
else | |
chart.NSeries[0].Points[i].DataLabels.X = X - DELTA; | |
} |
Son olarak, aşağıdaki kod çizgiyi görüntü formatında ve çalışma kitabını XLSX formatında kaydeder.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// Create an instance of Workbook in XLSX format | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(FileFormatType.Xlsx); | |
// Access the first worksheet | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; | |
// Add two columns of data | |
worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("Retail"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue("Services"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue("Info & Communication"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue("Transport Equip"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A5"].PutValue("Construction"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A6"].PutValue("Other Products"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A7"].PutValue("Wholesale"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A8"].PutValue("Land Transport"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A9"].PutValue("Air Transport"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A10"].PutValue("Electric Appliances"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A11"].PutValue("Securities"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A12"].PutValue("Textiles & Apparel"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A13"].PutValue("Machinery"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A14"].PutValue("Metal Products"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A15"].PutValue("Cash"); | |
worksheet.Cells["A16"].PutValue("Banks"); | |
worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(10.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(5.2); | |
worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(6.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(10.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B5"].PutValue(7.9); | |
worksheet.Cells["B6"].PutValue(4.1); | |
worksheet.Cells["B7"].PutValue(3.5); | |
worksheet.Cells["B8"].PutValue(5.7); | |
worksheet.Cells["B9"].PutValue(3); | |
worksheet.Cells["B10"].PutValue(14.7); | |
worksheet.Cells["B11"].PutValue(3.6); | |
worksheet.Cells["B12"].PutValue(2.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B13"].PutValue(7.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B14"].PutValue(2.4); | |
worksheet.Cells["B15"].PutValue(1.8); | |
worksheet.Cells["B16"].PutValue(10.1); | |
// Create a pie chart and add it to the collection of charts | |
int id = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Pie, 3, 3, 23, 13); | |
// Access newly created Chart instance | |
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[id]; | |
// Set series data range | |
chart.NSeries.Add("B1:B16", true); | |
// Set category data range | |
chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A1:A16"; | |
// Turn off legend | |
chart.ShowLegend = false; | |
// Access data labels | |
DataLabels dataLabels = chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels; | |
// Turn on category names | |
dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true; | |
// Turn on percentage format | |
dataLabels.ShowPercentage = true; | |
// Set position | |
dataLabels.Position = LabelPositionType.OutsideEnd; | |
// Set separator | |
dataLabels.SeparatorType = DataLabelsSeparatorType.Comma; | |
// In order to save the chart image, create an instance of ImageOrPrintOptions | |
ImageOrPrintOptions anOption = new ImageOrPrintOptions(); | |
// Set image format | |
anOption.ImageType = Drawing.ImageType.Png; | |
// Set resolution | |
anOption.HorizontalResolution = 200; | |
anOption.VerticalResolution = 200; | |
// Render chart to image | |
chart.ToImage(dataDir + "output_out.png", anOption); | |
// Save the workbook to see chart inside the Excel | |
workbook.Save(dataDir + "output_out.xlsx"); |
Sonuçta Oluşan Pasta Grafiği |
![]() |
Gelişmiş Konular
- Pasta Grafiğinde Özel Dilim veya Sektör Renkleri
- Bir Pasta-grafik veya Çubuk-grafikte Veri Noktalarının İkinci Pasta’nın veya Pasta’nın Çubuğu’nun Üzerinde Olup Olmadığını Bulma