Veri Bulma veya Arama

Veri Bulma veya Arama

Aşağıdaki yöntemi kullanarak Aspose.Cells kullanarak farklı şekillerde veri bulabilir veya arayabilirsiniz.

Daha fazla yöntemini görüntüle.

Aşağıdaki örnek kod, bu ekran görüntüsünde gösterildiği gibi örnek excel dosyasını kullanarak yukarıdaki yöntemlerin kullanımını anlatır.


Örnek Kod

//For complete examples and data files, please go to
//Path of input
U16String dirPath(u"");
//Path of output
U16String outPath(u"");
//Path of input excel file
U16String sampleFindOrSearchData = testPath + u"sampleFindOrSearchData.xlsx";
//Load sample excel file into a workbook object
Workbook wb(sampleFindOrSearchData);
//Get first worksheet of the workbook
Worksheet ws = wb.GetWorksheets().Get(0);
Enumerator<Cell> enCell = ws.GetCells().GetEnumerator();
while (enCell.MoveNext())
Cell cell = enCell.GetCurrent();
U16String fmlVal = cell.GetFormula();
//Finding the cell containing the specified formula
if (!fmlVal.IsEmpty() && u"=SUM(A5:A10)" == cell.GetFormula())
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing formula =SUM(A5:A10): " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the formula that contains CHA
else if (!fmlVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetFormula().IndexOf(u"CHA") > -1)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the formula that contains CHA: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
switch (cell.GetType())
case CellValueType::IsString:
U16String strVal = cell.GetStringValue();
//Finding the cell containing the specified string
if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("SampleData") > -1)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing specified string: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the string that contains "Two"
else if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("Two") > -1)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the string that contains Two: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the string that starts with AAA
else if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("AAA") == 0)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the string that starts with AAA: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the string that ends with BBB
else if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("BBB") == cell.GetStringValue().GetLength() - 3)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the string that ends with BBB: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the number 80
case CellValueType::IsNumeric:
if (80 == cell.GetIntValue())
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the number 80: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;

Konsol Çıktısı

Verilen örnek excel dosyası ile yukarıdaki örnek kodun konsol çıktısı.

Name of the cell containing formula =SUM(A5:A10): C6
Name of the cell containing the formula that contains CHA: C7
Name of the cell containing the number 80: A8
Name of the cell containing specified string: C8
Name of the cell containing the string that contains Two: C9
Name of the cell containing specified string: C10
Name of the cell containing specified string: C11