Spara varje kalkylblad i en separat PDF fil

Spara varje arbetsblad i en separat PDF-fil

Om du behöver spara varje kalkylblad i din mall-Excel-fil för att generera olika PDF-filer kan du enkelt uppnå detta. Du kan försöka ställa in ett kalkylbladsindex till PdfSaveOptions.sheet_set-alternativet i taget för att rendera till PDF.

from aspose.cells import PdfSaveOptions, Workbook
from aspose.cells.rendering import SheetSet
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:#
# The path to the documents directory.
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".")
# Get the Excel file path
filePath = dataDir + "input.xlsx"
# Instantiage a new workbook and open the Excel, File from its location
workbook = Workbook(filePath)
# Get the count of the worksheets in the workbook
sheetCount = len(workbook.worksheets)
# Define PdfSaveOptions
pdfSaveOptions = PdfSaveOptions()
# Take Pdfs of each sheet
for j in range(sheetCount):
ws = workbook.worksheets[j]
# set worksheet to output
sheetSet = SheetSet([ws.index])
pdfSaveOptions.sheet_set = sheetSet + "worksheet-" + + ".out.pdf", pdfSaveOptions)